👋 Hi There, I'm

Dylan Fisher

Highly motivated PHP developer with 4 years of experience, seeking new opportunities to create software. I would like to expand my knowledge and take on new challenges.

About Me

Hi, I’m Dylan! I’m 24 and I have a real passion for website development. I began designing websites at a young age when I was busy playing games online in the early hours of the morning. I’ve always been interested in computers and have always wanted to get into something creative. During college, I decided to learn PHP in my spare time. Shortly after learning the ropes, I created many projects to test myself. At the age of 20, I went into my first full-time job as a Software Engineer and joined the industry. Since then my knowledge has excelled!

In my free time, I enjoy learning new technologies, socialising with my family and friends and exploring castles around Northumberland!

Job History

Lead Software Engineer
Psittacus Systems, Kettering

As of January 2023, I was promoted to the Lead Software Engineer role. During this time I was now responsible for maintaining and leading all development across the company's expansive portfolio of systems and websites.

Within this new role, I changed how development was handled throughout the company and ensured high standards were met when working on projects. I introduced the company to GIT and created a development cycle using the Agile methodology. With this in place, I oversaw all aspects of development and ensured that all code was clean and well-documented.

Throughout my time in this role, I also took over the duties of maintaining our servers. This allowed me to gain knowledge in server administration and the basics of networking to ensure our software and websites could run smoothly.

Software Engineer
Psittacus Systems, Kettering

As a software engineer at Psittacus, I was responsible for designing, creating and maintaining websites and systems across the company's portfolio.

During my employment, I developed within the company's preferred tech stack: PHP (Laravel), MySql, Bootstrap, jQuery, Apache and Nginx.

I worked in a small team of 3 engineers but often worked by myself while working on certain systems. My biggest achievement in this role was creating a bespoke system for The CPD Group, a sister company of Psittacus.

While working on this project, I created a full customer relationship management system for staff and a customer portal that allowed clients to log in and manage their records. This project contained multiple form applications, certificate management and downloading, support ticket systems and a portal resources system where clients could download documents and guides.

I also occasionally worked with other engineers on client websites the company was contracted to work on to expand its portfolio.

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